With energy techniques such as Emotional Freedom Techniques, you have the ability to gently remove negative energy from your energy field. Using this technique can help release unconscious commitments, remove self-imposed limiting beliefs, turning them into creativity and manifesting true inner peace.
Start the process by composing your set-up statement. Statements should acknowledge aspects of your life that you want to release and then affirm yourself. The script below can be changed to words that work best for you.
Perform the Set Up.
With four fingers on one hand, tap the Karate Chop point on your other hand. This is located on the outer edge of the hand, on the opposite side from the thumb.
While tapping on the Karate Chop point say aloud the three following statements:
Even though some aspects of my life are a source of worries,
I deeply and completely accept myself.
Even though I have made decisions in the past that have restricted me,
I deeply and completely accept myself.
Even though part of me believes I may never have what I want most,
I deeply and completely accept myself.
Take a slow deep cleansing breath, exhale
Now you are ready to go through the process. Speak each statement once and aloud. Then you will go through the process again ending at the Crown.
The Crown (tap the center top of the head)
I am releasing all of my unconscious commitments to unhappiness, grief, and sorrow.
Take a slow deep cleansing breath, exhale
Eyebrow (tap the beginning of the eyebrow, nearest to the nose)
I am releasing all my unconscious commitments to pessimism, hopelessness, and resignation.
Take a slow deep cleansing breath, exhale
Side of Eye (tap on the part near the temple)
I am releasing all my unconscious commitments to restricting fears, lack, and limitations.
Take a slow deep cleansing breath, exhale
Under Eye (tap on the bony part)
I am releasing all my unconscious commitments to guilt, shame, and regrets.
Take a slow deep cleansing breath, exhale
Under Nose (tap above upper lip)
I am releasing all my unconscious commitments to anger, resentment, and un-forgiveness.
Take a slow deep cleansing breath, exhale
Crease of Chin (tap below lower lip)
I am releasing all unconscious commitments of condemnation, self-imposed punishment, and shame.
Take a slow deep cleansing breath, exhale
Collarbone (tap on the hard ridge)
I am releasing all unconscious commitments of limiting beliefs, self-doubt, and failure.
Take a slow deep cleansing breath, exhale
Under Arm (tap on the side of your body 4 inches below the arm pit)
I am releasing all unconscious commitments of scarcity, envy, and ungratefulness
Take a slow deep cleansing breath, exhale
Inside Wrist (tap on the wrist three finger widths below the crease)
I am releasing all energy that has been invested into past subconscious agreements so that I can now use that energy for becoming a prosperous full expression of who I am.
Take a slow deep cleansing breath, exhale
The Crown Eyebrow |
Side of Eye
I feel safe and supported in wonderful ways.
Take a slow deep cleansing breath, exhale
Under Eye
All aspects of my life are a source of profound satisfaction.
Take a slow deep cleansing breath, exhale
Under Nose
I am fortunate, prosperous, and successful.
Take a slow deep cleansing breath, exhale
Crease of Chin
I am capable of manifesting great things,
Take a slow deep cleansing breath, exhale
I am grateful for all I am and for all good things coming my way.
Take a slow deep cleansing breath, exhale
Under Arm (tap on the side of your body four inches below the arm pit)
I am releasing all unconscious commitments of scarcity, envy, and ungratefulness
Take a slow deep cleansing breath, exhale
Inside Wrist (tap on the wrist three finger widths below the crease)
I am releasing all energy that has been invested into past subconscious agreements so that I can now use that energy for becoming a prosperous full expression of who I am.
Take a slow deep cleansing breath, exhale
The Crown |
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