Everyone would agree that journaling is a good thing. There are many books out there to help you get started. You can find them in any bookstore. Journaling can be used for many purposes and cover just about any topic you can think of. Journaling allows us to access intuitive information that is hidden from view. It allows us to process feelings and deepen insights and can offer clarity. As I searched for journaling styles to use in practice and now with you I came across a process that deeply resonated with me and want to pass along.
In her book, Writing Down Your Soul, Janet Connor speaks of “deep soul writing”. She speaks of connecting with the “Voice” that is inside each of us, guiding, encouraging, and loving us. Journaling or writing helps us focus our intention so that our own wisdom can come through. Once you start connecting in a deep conversation in this way you will find yourself opening up to ideas and questions you never thought before. Once you open yourself to divine direction your life will start to shift and deepen. This will create an awakening that will allow you to see the world differently that will bring about change. Connor asserts that we must step into the unknown to experience all is well. It requires faith that when we step out “between here and there” that something will be there.
The deep soul writing that Connor writes of requires four things that give it distinction from other typical forms of journaling. They are intention, purpose, process, and commitment. Intention is being ready and open to “access the Voice of wisdom within”. Purpose is to access guidance and access the answers that are deep within. Process is the logistics of what, where, and when. And finally, commitment, once we have received guidance using the wisdom received.
Deep soul writing can be used for the occasional conversation or as an ongoing practice. It is important to create a schedule, take time to write, be available, choose your journaling supplies, and create a sacred place for writing. It is also important that once you begin that you have a secure place for your journals.
To begin, according to Connor we must show up, open up, listen up, and follow up. The steps below give you the basics for getting started but I strongly encourage you to read her book as she gives a rich explanation and the depth of soulful writing.
Step One: Show Up
Be willing to have a conversation. Set a time and place to have your conversation. Then sit in a place where you can write without interruption. Make a commitment to write every day for 30 days. It takes this long for your neural pathways to open up and create new pathways. Writing at the same time everyday will create consistency.
Once you have showed up at the time and place with writing implements ready and sitting in your chosen place take a few deep cleansing breaths. This will get the blood flowing to the brain, providing needed oxygen to your cells for clarity. The next task is to set your intention. This can be done in a number of ways such as a short blessing, or prayer. Perhaps a visualization or brief meditation will prepare you. Then begin with a salutation, create your own ritual and incorporate rituals that stimulate your senses.
Step Two: Open Up
Begin where you are. Speak what is on your mind. The point is to begin. Write what comes. This is where you express your thoughts and feelings, telling the truth. There is no worry for following writing rules. There is no right or wrong way, just tell your story, sharing from the heart. As you write, you will begin to hear yourself. As you listen, you will begin to see the needs behind the story.
Step Three: Listen Up
In this step, the Voice begins to speak. Now is the time for spiritual listening. It is important to be patient because it requires a process that will reveal itself in time. It is also important to create space for the Voice. This is not something you do but rather allow. It is an act of surrender. It also requires an understanding heart. By surrendering and opening your heart, you become vulnerable to that which the Voice reveals to you. This requires faith, a deep knowing trust. It is important to be in the present. What happened in the past cannot be changed. The pain you are feeling is now. So then healing comes to you in the now, as does forgiveness. As you write, you will be able to see the insights that come from the pages. As you dig deep and uncover the story, the blessing will be revealed.
This form of spiritual practice supports life not a substitute for it. So it is important to be mindful of your everyday life. The time to stop writing is different for everyone but usually it is a knowing. It is important to follow your intuition. As you close, express gratitude. Sign off with your name just as you began with a salutation so you need to end with a closing. Close with a ritual much like the one you opened with.
Step Four: Follow Up
The purpose of writing down your soul is for guidance. So what is next? In this step, you are given the opportunity to give life to the guidance you received. This is done by recognizing the guidance you received. Ask for clarification if needed. Give yourself permission to receive what the Voice has given. Ask for miracles. Follow your guidance. Recognize your critics mask. Have gratitude for the journey. Celebrate the unfolding of your soul.
As you use this process of deep-soul writing, you will develop your own inner guidance and wisdom. Listen, open your heart, and allow the “Voice” to speak. Your soul will reveal itself in perfect time. Be open to your life changing and the miracles to come. Make journaling a daily ritual as the conversation never ends.
Connors has included templates for beginning and ending your writing ritual as well as examples of questions to help you begin. So I encourage once again, purchase her book to gain deeper understanding of this wonderful journaling experience. I have included one of her journaling examples below.
Write Down Your Soul
Dear Voice,
What am I grateful for?
What is gratitude anyway?
What does gratitude look, or feel, or sound like?
Am I a grateful person? How can I be more grateful?
Whether you chose to begin with the basic information provided herein or you have journaled in the past or want to use your own style I encourage to WRITE. Getting started is sometimes the hardest part. Prepare yourself and push through the resistance. I assure you that your experience will be well worth your while.
Other Journaling Experiences
A Perfect Day